Technical School of Food Technology Kaiserslautern

Kaiserbergring 29
67657 Kaiserslautern ,
Phone: 0631 / 37270
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Updated on: 10.09.2014
Member since: 30.09.2012

Competent - Future-oriented - Cooperative - Engaged

Training in a modularized form

❏ The teaching aims at holistic teaching of current knowledge, competence, self-responsibility and commitment.

❏ For this purpose, the teaching organization takes place in comprehensive learning areas, so-called modules, which replace the conventional structure in teaching subjects.

❏ You are our response to the increased internationalization, which is expressed for the receiving company in a tighter cost situation, an increased competitive pressure and the constant compulsion to innovate and places special demands on the employee qualities.

❏ This thinking belongs in effect relationships, which in turn presupposes the capacity for independent development of solutions to problems, especially for the production monitoring and planning, management and marketing tasks. Modules are:

❏ oriented to operational processes, organizational structures and concrete occupational tasks.

❏ aimed at imparting specialized knowledge and competence.

❏ learning logic and problem-oriented.

❏ interdisciplinary, holistic oriented.

❏ by means of target formulations.

❏ self-contained qualification modules, individually tested and certified.

Keywords: meat technician training | Training to become a meat technician | Food technology school in Kaiserslautern