Huber Consult Analytics

Thomas Mann path 11
59399 Olfen ,
Phone: 02595 383676
Fax: 02595 383677
Contact: Jürgen Huber
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Updated on: 01.12.2016
Member since: 10.10.2012

Wet chemical analysis

The new services also allows small and medium Butcher for the first time in Germany safe product analysis in the own production facility have carried out. This is true for different production stages within the process chain. Within minutes, the customer receives the results of the product analysis of the chem. Ingredients Water, fat, protein, BEFFE, NaCl and phosphate. These are immediately discussed with the client and submitted in accordance with optimization suggestions or corrections.

How the mobile analysis method:

The samples are homogenized by us, analyzed and the results will be discussed on the spot directly with you. You get a certificate and a tabulation of all articles analyzed for each analytical result. We discuss with you the legal conformity of the analysis results and any potential arising due to "good" recipes.

Innovative technology

The method is based on light refraction. There the vibrational energy of the molecule functional groups is in this case detected optically. 256 different wavelengths are emitted at intervals of 3 nanometers. Each wavelength has a specific light energy. Each emitted wavelength examined the matching vibrational energy of the molecular groups. If meet the energy waves, they live off of itself. The light energy that is left in this merger is measured.

NIR (near-infrared reflectance measurement) Means that the quantity of light which is reflected or left is measured. 400 measurements are carried out per analysis. The total number of this measurement results in a specific scan. If the raw material changes, the scan changes. The computer compares this specific scan with scans already stored in the computer. He searches until he has found 2 matching scans. This is how each scan stands for a parameter. If it has found the matching scan, the value stored here is displayed, for example, by water. The whole process takes less than 20 sec.

Microbiological analysis

The customer also has to be carried out the way about us microbiological analyzes according to legal requirements.
Examples of microbiological analyzes:
- Meats straight
- Raw sausages and raw cured
- Heat-treated and ready to eat meals / dishes
- Minced meat unf meat preparations
- Post-mortem examinations
- Drinking water
- Swab tests of surfaces
Requests for prices and terms we answer them!

Keywords: analysis | Chemical parameters | Declaration | Microbiology | Nutritional values