
Invalidenstrasse 150
10115 Berlin ,
Phone: 030-284498815
Fax: 030-69088555
Contact: Jürgen Kullmann-Ruyter
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots To display JavaScript must be turned on!
Website: http://ejoule.de
Updated on: 20.02.2015
Member since: 30.01.2015

E.optimum is an independent energy provider and is set up to supply the medium-sized companies in Germany with energy (electricity and gas). 

Procurement is carried out directly on the European exchange. 
The shopping advantages are passed on 1: 1. The savings are substantial. 
e.optimum works transparent honest and fair. 
There are no hidden costs, it is only paid what was consumed, no basic charges and all price components are disclosed.

Keywords: energy management | energy supply | GAS | ELECTRICITY