BIRGROUP Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Peterhof 1
23560 Lübeck ,
Phone: + 49 451 / 611 699 0
Fax: + 49 451 / 611 699 99
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Updated on: 06.05.2024
Member since: 30.06.2015

Service is our DNA

It's nice when you can relax and focus on what's important in your core business - and leave everything else to a partner who specializes in it. From the individual process to the entire company division, we take on all tasks related to industrial cleaning, facility management as well as personnel and security services.

Trust in our expertise and experience: In almost 50 years, we have developed from the market leader for sophisticated hygiene solutions in food production to a full-service provider for industry and medium-sized businesses. We have played a decisive role in shaping the high standards for quality, hygiene and safety in industrial cleaning and have successfully transferred them to other areas of application - from multilingual online training for our staff to certified audits and digital access control.


Keywords: facility management | Hygienic standards | Industrial cleaning | Personnel service | Corporate security